Of the more than 300 million Americans residing in the United States, a staggering 41 million are burdened by student loans. If you are struggling to pay back your student loans, you are certainly not alone. And if you are frustrated by the limited payment options available to you, you are not alone either.
Are you one of these 41 million Americans?
Retail bankruptcies tend to spike in January
The holiday season has come and gone. For many small businesses and retail outlets that did not make their holiday sales goals, January can be a grim month indeed. Several high-profile retail outlets filed for bankruptcy in December, including Deb stores, Delia and Mexx. However, it is in post-holiday January that many retailers opt to file for business bankruptcy after striving for a lucrative end of the year.
Hector Holguin's personal bankruptcy facing challenges in court
Even with the recession in the rearview mirror, personal and financial hardships are not uncommon among people in California. This may be demonstrated well by the recent personal bankruptcy filing by Hector Holguin, an entrepreneur who was otherwise seen as successful. Unfortunately, his path to debt relief appears to be a bumpy ride.